Tatitlek Class Action Lawsuit Settlement  Attorney Jeffrey Cowan

$2.4 Million Class Action Settlement regarding Unpaid Overtime, Mis-classification and Other Wage and Hour Violations

A company operating in San Bernardino named Tatitlek Support Services hired thousands of workers to provide services to the U.S. military. Initially, Tatitlek mis-classified its non-managerial employees by paying them as independent contractors. Then, Tatitlek started paying the workers as employees but failed to give overtime wages despite the fact that the employees routinely worked more than 8 or 12 hours in a day. Tatitlek also failed to allow the rest and meal breaks that California law requires for non-exempt employees.

Tatitlek Class Action Lawsuit Filed by Employment Attorney Jeffrey Cowan

Los Angeles employment lawyer Jeffrey Cowan filed a class action lawsuit against Tatitlek Support Services. Tatitlek removed the case to federal court, asserted a variety of constitutional defenses and then moved for summary judgment. Jeffrey Cowan deposed key witnesses all over the United States (including Alaska; Washington, DC; and Quantico, Virginia) and opposed the summary judgment motion.

Employment Attorney Jeffrey Cowan Wins Lawsuit over Tatitlek Support Services

At a court-ordered settlement conference, the lawsuit settled for $2.4 million. To learn more about the facts and issues in this lawsuit, read our opposition to the employer defendant’s motion for summary.

Class Action Lawsuit

Call Los Angeles Employment Attorney Jeffrey Cowan at (310) 394-1420 for more information about filing a class action lawsuit.

Call (310) 394-1420

9301 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 609

Beverly Hills, California 90210

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Email: info@cowan-law.com

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9301 Wilshire Blvd.

Suite 609

Beverly Hills, CA 90210


401 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor

Santa Monica CA 90401